Game notes and development for Starsys 9


      Oh this game I have in mind. And when I say have in mind, I mean, paces screaming in my brain like a tiger in a cage. 
I wish it could be a video game. I would love to oversee the development, of course, but I’d rather see it made than have it be mine. I want to PLAY it. I have no idea how to make that happen, sadly. Possibly all my good brain cells have been used up on concept with none left for implementation. I have, however, grown up with table-top RPGs, so... I have started to write this up as a sourcebook. If you want to play it as a table-top, when I'm done I encourage you to fit your favorite dice systems to what I describe and go wild - honestly I just HAD to get this out of my head and into existence one way or another, and I’m sort of secretly hoping for enough exposure at some point to get the attention of some big video game companies. Anyway, here is Starsys 9, I hope you enjoy.