
The Dark Windmill: a two-fold project

The Moulin Noir is currently just my personal notebook of projects as a website.

It is here to be a lab, a workbook, a gathering place for creation. The name is meant to evoke the passionate creativity and revolutionary spirit of the Moulin Rouge. I hope that in time, that the Moulin Noir will likewise become a stronghold of intensely artistic and thoughtful people embodying an ideal of activism and progress, hopefully coming together as a group of contributors that expand the website into a full multi-media company featuring political commentary, creative writing, inventions and social projects.

Moulin Noir is also the pet name I have long given a special project very dear to my heart, a peaceful yet effective socio-economic revolutionary endeavor I have been putting together for the last lifetime. I hope that this website will give me a good platform when I am ready to make that concept a reality. Until then, I hope you enjoy my various ideas, creations and projects.