Hi, I'm Kie.

I've lived a few places, if some of them briefly - Santa Cruz, San Francisco, L.A., Portland, Montgomery Alabama, Kaiserslautern Germany, Bristol England; I learned a lot about myself living in a warehouse community in Oakland... And I've visited a bunch more, Venice, Amsterdam, Paris; Mexico, Canada, Czechoslovakia...

I've done a lot of things - written, directed, and produced plays, done stage and voice acting, juggled fire and knives, gone backpacking and skiing and rock climbing. I've been a soccer referee, an accountant, a bookstore clerk, run a jackhammer on demolition, worked as a night auditor and front desk clerk at hotels, worked in a movie theater and done almost every job there is in restaurants. I was a game show host at a theme club in San Francisco for a while, and I've done circus performance on the street to earn enough for my dinner. I've been homeless either two or four times, depending on what you consider homeless.

But that's just where I've been and what I've done while I was there. Who I am is between my ears.

I have a mind like Leonardo Da Vinci's.

Calm down, I said "like". Maybe only the way a dog is "like" a wolf, I don't know - my mind may or may not be equipped to survive in the wild woods of true genius, but it acts in similar ways. Going through my notebooks is like:
pg3: an invention I'd like to market
pg6: a game I've half created
pg7: plans for a socio-economic revolution
pg9: a song I've written
pg11: a diagram of an experimental energy production concept
pg14: drawings of robot dicks...
pg15: an idea for a business I'd like to start

Pursuing these projects is the only thing in life that commands my interest. I’m super tired of trying to make my brain do anything but run on at full speed about this kind of thing, because it pretty much refuses to do anything else. I don’t even care if I make any money from any of it, I just want to see it happen. … I mean, money would be nice too, of course.

So, anyway, here's this website; now if I die in my sleep at least this much of any of it is out in the world in some form, a little more complete every day.