check out some fiction

I have three main fiction concepts I've been working on. Become a monthly supporter via Patreon or make a donation with Paypal at the bottom of the page to enable me to spend more time and energy on these creative projects


Stone Punk - historical fiction

      Human beings used to be several sister species... Neanderthal, Denisovans, Homo Sapiens, and at least two others. Not only could these extra-sapiens roughly correspond to dwarves, giants, elves, etcetera - they might well be the actual basis for our tales of these mythic peoples. This story is based in the assumption that this is true, guided by a rich agreement among the mythologies of ancient cultures, while exploring several alternative theories and explanations regarding such concepts as: the first human partnership with wolves, the possibility of a pre-ice-age global network of empires, the circumstances surrounding the extinction of the Neanderthal, and much more


everything is true - fictitious humor

      Just what the title says, Everything is True. It's impossible for this story to take itself too seriously; sufficiently light hearted to take you away, enough action to keep you there. Welcome to an adventurous romp through a universe where aliens are out there, Bigfoot exists, vampires stalk the night and Santa is real. If you’ve ever wanted to know what the Fairy Queen thinks of the reptilians in charge of our time-traveling government agencies, wonder no more - this story is for you. 

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Scry Capers - Futuristic SciFi Adventure

      In the far future, more than half of humanity lives on the Moon. There are also a few populations on in-system space stations, the Mars Colony, and the Fleet Crews that live on the enormous ships that travel between them all. The last of the earthlings inhabit a dead and deadly Earth, ruined by humanity’s failure to properly steward our planet and ravaged by terrible wars. Vast abandoned mega-cities return to nature and become home to the unnatural: altered people and animals that are either cybernetically Upgraded or biologically Enhanced beings. Scavengers and Privateers make illegal loot runs to Dead Earth for anything of value to smuggle into space colony black markets.


      The situation for the several million people still living on Earth is growing worse and a final chance of rescue off-planet is taking place, a cooperative mission organized by the governments of the Moon, overseen by the newly formed and nefarious Planetary Evacuation and Transfer Agency, who takes violent measures to protect against “infiltration” of the Moon by any who are not “pure” humans. This is not a welcome policy for the various UpGraded and Enhanced people who have become a part of Dead Earth society - lifelong lovers, leaders, parents and friends in the communities left to fend for themselves for so many generations. Into this hotbed of unrest and wreckage sails the crew of one small smuggling ship. Come explore this future with them.