West Coast Travel is now Van Life, update

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Meet The Duchess

This is what I’m working with - a Honda Odyssey. I’m removing the plastic siding inside in a couple weeks which will give me 60 inches across to go with the seven and a half feet of length that make my bedroom inside. When I’m done there will be a bed, clothes storage, five gallons of running water, a top-of-the-line camping commode, a recliner and desk, a microwave, solar panels… she’s going to be quite a vessel. And stealthy too, from the outside, no one will be able to tell The Duchess is any different than the other hundred thousand minivans on the road.

Currently I’m working about 60 hours a week managing a restaurant. In between that, I’m building out the Duchess and living in parking lots. This will be the basis of content in this section for the foreseeable future.