Starsys 9 game concept


A game that includes characters from science fiction, horror, and fantasy genres.

there is a single desirable planet in orbit around one of the stars of Star System Nine, and three factions have happened upon it at the same time – the Cybernauts, Dimens, and the Spore-Born

Factions broadcast control signals and any characters belonging to that faction within range of that control signal slowly re-spawn resources such as ammo, health, and arcane power.  All three factions can run their own supply signal in the same area.

Resources and Damage Types are designed to create a rock-paper-scissors situation. Later additions of air and water characters as well as up to six potential “Hidden Factions” can be used to balance game play.

Faction One: Cyberians


A spacefaring nation of futuristic humans, Cyberia has a branch of explorer-militia called the Cybernauts. Most Cyberians are cyborg humans, and the Cybernauts utilize a lot of mechs and large vehicles. Cybernauts are supported by crews of robots and cyber-animals, such as Botmen, Cyber-dogs, and “kite” drones.

Faction Resources:

Water Sources
Organic Hydrocarbons
Mineral Deposits

Cyberians harvest water and break it into hydrogen and oxygen for breathing and energy weapons/explosives. They can harvest any organic hydrocarbons (like trees or oil) for fuel and some healing. They harvest minerals and use the metal and stone to build and to supply armor and ammo, as well as some healing/repair.


Cyberian “towns” are walled high-tech city towers called Citadels. Cyberians build installations like Refineries to process resources. They use Signal Beacons to broadcast their Supply Zone. Drop Bases are delivered from orbit, can spawn and respawn characters and crew, have a mounted weapon, and broadcast a large Supply Zone

When a Cybernaut “dies” their consciousness is downloaded into a new body.

Some Cybernauts can use a nanobot injector to take temporary control of enemies, including the recently deceased.

Cybernauts use mostly kinetic weapons (bullets), electrical weapons and shields, and explosives. However, they also use some melee weapons and physical shields.

Cyberians are weak to magic. Their weapons are especially effective against Spore-Born.  

Faction Two: Dimenkind


Dimens are various kinds of trans-dimensional beings brought through portals by multi-dimensional “gods”. These “gods” either create or teleport in various entities such as dwarves, elves, vampires, werewolves, zombies, wizards and witches, etc. Dimens are supported by thralls like goblins, hellhounds, and imps

Faction Resources:

Minerals Deposits
Organic Hydrocarbons

Dimens use sulfur to create Arcane Fire to fuel their magic. They burn Organic Hydrocarbon (like oil or corpses) to free the latent Life Force and use it for magic and healing. And they use Mineral deposits to build in stone and metal, as well as for weapons and armor.


Dimen “towns” are high-magic castles and keeps in pocket dimensions called Realms. Dimenkind use installations such as a Pit Boss and skeleton crew to mine resources. They activate Altars to broadcast their Arcane Area of Influence. Portals are summoned to a position, can spawn and respawn characters and thralls, automatically broadcast a large Arcane Area of Influence, and can emit arcane lightening strikes.

When a Dimen dies in service to the Dimen Deities, one of their multi-dimensional god beings grants the character’s ghost a doppelganger to possess.

Some Dimens can temporarily posses and control enemies or raise the deceased as undead.

Dimenkind specialize in magic and melee, with elemental effects and shields.

They are weak to Spore-Born attacks and especially effective against Cyberians.

Faction Three: Spore-Born


The Spore-Born are an intergalactic population of insect-like aliens in a symbiotic relationship with a sapient fungus. Spores drift off the Spore-Born like smoke and infect any newly hatched of the original Hive-born as well as a few other species of aliens they have run into on their spread through space. Spore-Born are supported by crews of spore-infected alien non-sapient species like Antmen, Lizardcats, and Waspers  

Faction Resources:

Water Sources
Organic Hydrocarbons

Spore-Born require water to grow spore mass, which they become caked in as armor. They use their personal spore mass for special spore-based attacks and for healing. They use organic hydrocarbons (like trees or the bodies of their enemies) for food (fuel). They use sulfur to breathe, no breathing tanks necessary, as the spores in each character’s personal spore-cloud can hold resources, a couple molecules per spore. Sulphur is also used in creating Plasma.


Spore-Born “towns” are giant anthills called Sporeborn Colonies. Spore-Born create installations like Mold Mobs or Sludge Pools to harvest and process resources. They use Spore Piles to broadcast their Spore Field. Spore Hives are created or dropped from orbit, can spawn or respawn characters or spore-infected supports. Hives broadcast a large Spore Field, and emit Plague Spores to damage enemies.

When a Spore-Born dies their consciousness is carried by spores to the nearest colony, hive, or egg and infects a full grown hatchling as a respawn.

Some Spore-Born can infect and temporarily control enemies, including the recently deceased.

Spore-Born specialize in plasma, and laser weapons with plenty of melee damage (weapons as well as bite and claw attacks) as well as spore shields and effects (such as a spore puff bombs that drain resources from characters).

Spore-Born are weak to kinetic weapons. They are especially effective against Dimens.

Mega Game (Meta Game)

Player Characters (each faction has 9, with skill trees) are supported by NPC crew. When all Player Character Classes are unlocked, the Mega Classes become available. Each faction has a Mega Commander, as well as Mega Builders, Mega Resource Processors etc. These can spawn characters or crew, broadcast a supply signal, build installations and more.

Mega Commanders can use the other Mega Classes (such as Carbon Combines, Beetle Builders, or Monstrous Sacrificers) to create ”towns” for each faction by building a network of specific Installations (like Refineries, Mold Mobs, and Pit Bosses with Skeleton Crews). Mega classes are supported by player characters the same way player characters are supported by crew.

Mobile Command can harvest all three cyberian resources. Mobile Command can call a Drop Base to their position from orbit. They have a mounted gun and can use their harvesting arms to do melee damage. They can erect a Signal Beacon to increase the size of their supply zone, which they automatically broadcast centered on themselves.

in the middle of the Dimen Ordained ribcage is a throne for the player pilot. The tentacle can cast Portals, as well as create ritual circles with Pit Bosses with their skeleton or sycophant crews for harvesting resources. The single giant eye can be used as a beam weapon, their sword arm does melee damage. They can set up altars to increase their Arcane Area of Influence which they automatically broadcast centered on themselves.

Genomporph Queens are covered in spore infected eggs that she can drop and spawn every species of replacement characters or support crew. She can also create a Spore-Hive. She can bite, pounce, or sting for melee damage, and she can spit a plasma beam. She can drop a spore pile that increases her Spore-Field which she automatically broadcasts centered on herself.

Player Character Classes

Each faction has 9 characters - 3 fighters, 3 supports, and 3 rogues - one each of 3 categories: Purist, Specialist, and Maneuverist

therefor each faction has one each of:

Purist Fighter
Specialist Fighter
Maneuverist Fighter
Purist Support
Specialist Support
Maneuverist Support
Purist Rogue
Specialist Rogue
Maneuverist Rogue