West Coast Travel Vlog - The Plan


Once the camper van buildout is done, my plan is to drive up and down the West Coast. I’ve lived a lot of places: Portland, Santa Rosa, San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz, LA, and I have friends in Seattle, family in San Diego... and I just really love the whole West Coast, the vibe, the people, the nature, the culture, the weather, hangin’ out in the sun’s bedroom... So I’m going to be on a route from the top to the bottom, Seattle to San Diego, visiting all the places and people. My plan is to do the route two to four times a year, visiting redwoods, beaches, warehouse communities, street fairs, deserts, amusement parks, monuments, zoos, and hot springs. As I visit them, I will make entries on the West Coast Travel Vlog. Additionally, I will be visiting all the people I know - painters, activists, singers, sculptors, DJs, writers, chefs, musicians, circus performers, crafters, bartenders and voice-over artists. As I visit them, I will be collaborating with them on projects, ultimately weaving many of them together for a series of dove-tailing projects that include social activism and awareness fundraising events; that’s a fancy way of saying parties, y’all.

I hope to do a lot with this travel vlog - I want to visit homeless encampments and give the people there a chance to tell their stories. I want to interview people on the streets of different cities. I want to do restaurant reviews, and highlight various attractions up and down the left edge of the United States. I want to go-pro some kayaking, some biking, some hiking, anything I can find I think people would find interesting and looks fun to me.

Of course, I’ll be accompanied by Badger the adventure dog as often as I can swing it. He loves his other owner just as much as me, and it won’t always be feasible to have him with me, so it won’t be always, but many of my vlog posts will feature my canine partner in crime.